From the Finney Meets… Sean Gregan


As it’s a week off from our usual, weekly episode of the From the Finney podcast, we have released another episode of ‘From the Finney Meets…’ for you all to enjoy.

The episode is just under an hour long and we discuss plenty of different things about his time at North End including the infamous chip shop moment, he puts any rumours to be on that front. He also discusses about the night Mark Rankine and himself found themselves banged up for the night and on the front page of the newspapers the morning after.

Sean was a brilliant bloke and was more than happy to talk about anything and everything.

You can find the episode in whichever app you use to stream our podcast or you can listen on our new podcast page on the website. Click here to go there – podcast page.


Alternatively, you can stream it right now by pressing play on the player below. Don’t forget to follow us on social media and let us know what you think of the episode. We’re on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.